Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Let children choose their dream career

Friends,  do you remember the days when you faced the transition from school to college? Were you allowed to choose the course of your area of interest? Majority of us will say 'NO'. Even today, the situation has not changed. Children are not allowed to choose their own career. Why is this happening? Is it because of the lack of  their maturity to choose the right course? Or is it the dominance of the elders?

Whatever it may be, the underlying fact is that we are denied the right to choose our further studies depending on our own interest.Though it may be a proper guidance for a few to set up their career, many of us lose our identity when we are forced to do something which is not our dream.

It happened to me, it is happening to my clan and it may happen to the next generation as well if we continue doing the same mistake committed by our elders. Life is not only earning money. It's beyond that. It's the satisfaction we get on doing something. If we can't enjoy the job we do, what is the sole purpose of doing it? 

We can't change the mindset of the older generation but we can change ourselves and our attitude towards the career of our children. Let us give them a chance to pursue their career in their own way so that they will gain confidence, happiness and it ends up with a satisfaction which the hard earned money cannot give.

Guys, all parents expect their child to become an Einstein or an Abdul Kalam but they fail to understand that their children cannot be forced to do something with benzene when he/she is in interested in electronics. If they cannot become an IAS or an IPS officer, they expect their child to become so. Also, if one of their parents is a doctor, they force their child to  become a doctor. This dynastic career choosing decays the intellect of the children and they just become a robot which can do what it is programmed to do. This stops the development of more and more scientists from our country. So let us make our nation shine brighter with young minds by letting them choose their own career and not by forcing our dreams on them. 

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