Monday, June 2, 2014

Be Healthy to look young

"Health is wealth" is a popular saying, isn't it? In this huzzle buzzle world where smart phones can share most of our work, how much time do we really spend taking care of our health?

Silence will be the honest answer to this question because technology has overwhelmed us too much to spend even a quarter of an hour for a healthy exercise. But, it's uncontroversial that a life bereft of an exercise will land in danger.

After knowing all these, why do we just check only the feeds and tweets in our free time? Why not we walk a little and give some movement to our body?

Exercise and fitness is not just running in the treadmills but it lies in our regular day today activities. A short walk can help us staying healthier. Staring at the nature can make the mind and eyes feel young. Drinking a glass of water in the empty stomach cleanses our stomach.

We read all these in web, newspapers, etc but when it comes to practice, we are reluctant. That's the reason we started looking older than we actually are. 'Walking' is the king of all exercises. It can cure many ailments and prevent us from many. When we just include a ten minute walk in our daily routine,  it's a promise that we can stay young and calm for years together.

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