Saturday, June 7, 2014


Dear friends,

                  Microsoft has given a painless task of blogging but the subject is really arduous. "How Microsoft impacted you and how you plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?" This sounds quite interesting but I am really confused what to pen and what not to pen because Microsoft has filled my life and it's an indistinguishable part of my life. It will be the same for many others I believe. I thank Microsoft from the very depth of my heart for creating an opportunity for the aspiring students like me, through this Microsoft Student Associate program. I see it as a step closer towards joining the empowering technical journey with Microsoft for the rest of my life.


                     What more can one achieve materially than to conquer the world? Alas, the world was too big to even imagine, right? Well! Not anymore!!! MS Windows literally became a window to the world. With Windows, I felt that the world had suddenly shrunk and it got fit into my home. Are you wondering how?

  • It was on my desk. 

  • It was on my lap. 

  • Now, It is in my hand. 

  • And, I hope that in near future, Microsoft will deliver the world even closer to me probably in the form of an eye chip. 

                               Microsoft has not only influenced me but it has a little something for every member in my family. My two year old daughter plays games on my windows phone. My nephew has his Xbox. Windows 8 is my latest window to the world. MS Office suite drives my husband’s work/business. Skype has shrunk the world for me and my parents such that the long distance doesn't matter. Every moment of our life is influenced by Microsoft. So it’s quite natural that we are in love with it.Microsoft has upgraded itself through the decades without letting the craze for it cease. Who else other than Microsoft can be Herculean to withstand this transient world of technology?


                               By becoming a Student Associate for Microsoft, I would serve as an evangelist for a myriad of Microsoft products. I will give my best to promote them. I would spread awareness by arranging technology events and discussions in my University. I would address the larger audience via blogging and social media. Also in line with the DigiGirlz initiative of Microsoft, I would give additional focus to increase the representation of women in Microsoft technologies. I will contribute my best to be a catalyst for the development of women by empowering them with different Microsoft products as per their need.

                               Also, I would like to emphasize the need to start buying Microsoft products. Like many, I started with the pirated version, but now we are one among the licensed users of Windows 7,8 and the Office suite around the world. I encourage everyone to do the same, not because of its use to us , but because it is the right thing to do.

                              Finally, I would like to say a few words about the man who made it all possible. From his humble beginnings as a whiz kid to a statesman-philanthropist, today Bill Gates is a complete man. Once he had quoted, “I want to admit that I am an optimist. Any tough problem, I think it can be solved”. Naturally being an optimist myself, I draw strength from his words. It is with this optimism and strength, I am waiting to start my journey as a Microsoft Student Associate.

                              I think it will be fitting to end this article with the immortal words of the contagiously enthusiastic Steve Balmer, 'I LOVE THIS COMPANY'.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Let children choose their dream career

Friends,  do you remember the days when you faced the transition from school to college? Were you allowed to choose the course of your area of interest? Majority of us will say 'NO'. Even today, the situation has not changed. Children are not allowed to choose their own career. Why is this happening? Is it because of the lack of  their maturity to choose the right course? Or is it the dominance of the elders?

Whatever it may be, the underlying fact is that we are denied the right to choose our further studies depending on our own interest.Though it may be a proper guidance for a few to set up their career, many of us lose our identity when we are forced to do something which is not our dream.

It happened to me, it is happening to my clan and it may happen to the next generation as well if we continue doing the same mistake committed by our elders. Life is not only earning money. It's beyond that. It's the satisfaction we get on doing something. If we can't enjoy the job we do, what is the sole purpose of doing it? 

We can't change the mindset of the older generation but we can change ourselves and our attitude towards the career of our children. Let us give them a chance to pursue their career in their own way so that they will gain confidence, happiness and it ends up with a satisfaction which the hard earned money cannot give.

Guys, all parents expect their child to become an Einstein or an Abdul Kalam but they fail to understand that their children cannot be forced to do something with benzene when he/she is in interested in electronics. If they cannot become an IAS or an IPS officer, they expect their child to become so. Also, if one of their parents is a doctor, they force their child to  become a doctor. This dynastic career choosing decays the intellect of the children and they just become a robot which can do what it is programmed to do. This stops the development of more and more scientists from our country. So let us make our nation shine brighter with young minds by letting them choose their own career and not by forcing our dreams on them. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Why is a mobile phone called a cellphone?

CELL PHONES ----- The integral part of everybody's life today.

Today, nobody can find someone not owning a cellphone. Yeah. Wherever you go the network follows :) have you ever imagined why this pocket device has got this name? Why must it be named a cellphone rather than a pocket phone or anything else?

Here is the reason. This mobile phone divides the city or the area we live into a number of cells. A cell is a region where we get the network. In layman terms it's the range of the tower.. When the device moves, the signal strength of the current cell (tower) decreases and signal strength of the approaching cell increases whereby the device can switch itself from one cell to another. That's the reason why the display name of the cell changes as we move. Since, it's based on dividing the region into cells, it  is named as the cell phone...

Quite interesting to know,right?

Be Healthy to look young

"Health is wealth" is a popular saying, isn't it? In this huzzle buzzle world where smart phones can share most of our work, how much time do we really spend taking care of our health?

Silence will be the honest answer to this question because technology has overwhelmed us too much to spend even a quarter of an hour for a healthy exercise. But, it's uncontroversial that a life bereft of an exercise will land in danger.

After knowing all these, why do we just check only the feeds and tweets in our free time? Why not we walk a little and give some movement to our body?

Exercise and fitness is not just running in the treadmills but it lies in our regular day today activities. A short walk can help us staying healthier. Staring at the nature can make the mind and eyes feel young. Drinking a glass of water in the empty stomach cleanses our stomach.

We read all these in web, newspapers, etc but when it comes to practice, we are reluctant. That's the reason we started looking older than we actually are. 'Walking' is the king of all exercises. It can cure many ailments and prevent us from many. When we just include a ten minute walk in our daily routine,  it's a promise that we can stay young and calm for years together.

Where is this education system taking us??

Welcome back frndz....

The recent tenth standard board exam results bugged me a lot and instigated the feeling to blog this.
I remember the days when I could see quite a number of people solving the Daily crossword in the newspapers during their travel. But, how many of us today dare to attempt solving a crossword? Leave this crossword stuff... How many of us can just let our thoughts flow unintermittently in any known language.... This is just a sample.... The list goes on.. This clearly portrays the level of knowledge we acquire during our educational journey.

The likelihood of competing with the central board students goes into a toss with this extravagant valuation for a minutiae gain of knowledge, which acts as a barrier for the state board students who are trained to just imprint their text books which will help them in no ways other than scoring loads of marks in their exams...

The change needs to be blossomed in the hearts of the parents initially who see their children earning marks as their issue of esteem rather than having an insight into their erudition. As long as the parents and teachers volunteer themselves in changing themselves and also the children, this issue will prevail which leaves us behind many others.  Also, the politicians will utilize our ignorance as a means to gain more votes.

Parents and teachers should understand that it's high time to bring in a mandate change in our
education system which is knowledge oriented and not a mark oriented one. Our children are not hard drives or memory cards to just copy the information provided to them. They are blessed with a brain which is equivalent to thousands of processors.. Until and unless a first step is taken in the right direction, the treasure remains hidden and it will be hidden forever.....

Come on guys.... Lets turn and march towards our destiny!